The objective of a conservation area is to preserve or enhance its special character and appearance. The special character of our conservation areas are defined in documents called Conservation Area Appraisals. Within a conservation area there are firmer planning controls over certain types of development. The main additional requirements include the following:
- To protect trees, six weeks’ notice must be given to the local authority before works are carried out to a tree in a conservation area. This does not include trees whose trunks have a diameter of less than 75mm above ground level
- Planning permission is required for the demolition of any unlisted building with a volume of more than 115 cubic metres
- Planning permission is required to demolish a gate, fence, wall or railing over 1 metre high next to a highway (including a public footpath or bridleway) or public open space; or over 2 metres high elsewhere
- Planning permission is required for alterations to the roof of a dwelling house resulting in a material alteration to its shape, notably dormer windows
- Planning permission is needed for the installation of a satellite dish on a chimney, wall or roof slope which faces onto and is visible from a public highway
- Planning permission is needed to clad any part of the exterior of a dwelling house with stone, artificial stone, timber, plastic or tiles
- There are greater control over advertisements and shop signs
- Within some of our conservation areas there are additional restrictions called Article 4 Directions
We have the ability to carry out urgent works on vacant, unlisted buildings in conservation areas that have fallen into disrepair and to subsequently recover the cost of the works from the owner.
For a fee we can provide preliminary advice on development proposals that would affect conservation areas.