Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This page has been created to answer some of the common procurement questions we receive.
If there is a question not included that you think would be useful, please let us know at
What is Procurement?
The purchasing of goods, services and or works, following to a large degree, a pre-defined and regulated process associated with the required purchase. The key principles of procurement are that contracting authorities shall treat economic operators equally and without discrimination and shall act in a fair, compliant, and transparent manner.
The procurement process itself has numerous activities, from pre procurement understanding and engaging with the market, developing a service specification and invitation to tender documents; questions and their weighting, the answers of which we will used to score the bids and identify the winning bidder, the pricing document in which suppliers will be required to set out their price offer and also to which there will be scored weighting attributed; the instruction to tenderers so it is fully understood what we are procuring, how and by when suppliers must respond.
What are the procurement rules that the Council must follow?
Procurement regulations fall into two area’s:
Firstly, we have a set of regulations that are enshrined into UK law. These for obvious reasons cannot be breached or waived. These are called the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCRs 2015).
Secondly, Maldon District Council has its own set of rules called the Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs). The rules set out the internal governance framework that our officers need to adhere to when undertaking procurement.
How do I find out about supplier opportunities?
You could be approached by an officer to submit a quote for a service, works or supply of goods. You can contact the procurement team via for further information. However we do not hold approved lists but will ensure the department your offering relates to are made aware of your company and contact details. Please note this does not guarantee you will be asked to quote on any works.
You can also find all published contract opportunities on our e-tendering portal Delta at Registration is quick and free, and allows access to the Councils procurement opportunities as well as other public sector bodies.
How do we submit an interest in tendering for a specific contract?
When you have registered as a supplier on Delta, you are able to formally register an interest in tendering for a specific opportunity, when you see it advertised. Don’t worry if you subsequently do not submit a tender, even if you have registered an interest, as this will not count against you when future opportunities are advertised. It may be, for instance, that you access the tender documentation after registering an interest and then decide that the opportunity does not match your business offer.
My company is new and has few references; will I be allowed to compete for Council business?
Yes. The Council does not discourage new businesses. A view will be taken on your company's suitability and any potential risk to us. Thorough investigations will be made examining your financial status and past performance where possible. You could also be invited to an interview to further examine your suitability.
Why is everything done electronically?
Tendering is carried out through the council’s e-tendering portal for several reasons. An electronic process creates efficiencies for the council and for bidders; it ensures that the tender process is fully auditable and the PCRs 2015 (and as amended) prescribe compulsory electronic tendering.
Why do I have to provide so much information when I submit a tender for a contract?
All councils and other contracting authorities are public bodies and are audited and accountable for all of their spend. The council needs to evidence what they buy is fit for purpose, delivers value for money and that the supplier is reliable and understands the councils’ needs.
What can I do, if after reading the tender documents, I still don’t understand something?
When writing our tender documents, we try to be as user friendly as possible to ensure there is no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation. However, it is always possible that as a supplier you are confused by something in the tender documents and what is expected of you.
That is why all tender processes have what is known as a period of clarification. This is an opportunity for any tenderer to ask a question via the message centre on Delta about the specific tender and the documents we have issued.
A response to a clarification sought by one tenderer is sent to all tenderers. The only change to that is if the clarification is deemed to be commercially sensitive to the organisation asking the question. If it is deemed to be, then a response will only be sent back to the tenderer asking the question.
All tender clarification questions must come through the message centre on our e-tendering portal Individual officers must not be contacted by email or phone.
Do I send my tender back by post or email it to you?
All tender opportunities and associated documents will be issued through Delta our e-tendering portal and completed tenders must be submitted via Delta, by the deadline as noted in the invitation to tender.
What happens if I do not get my tender in on time?
In keeping with the key principle of procurement of treating economic operators equally and without discrimination it is imperative that all tenders are received by the deadline. It is highly unlikely that any tender received after a set tender return deadline will be considered. The tender box for the opportunity will be open for submissions up until the given deadline, at that point the tender box will lock and no more submissions can be uploaded. You must ensure you upload your submission within plenty of time.
How will my tender be assessed?
Tenders will be assessed strictly in accordance with the Instructions as advised in the invitation to Tender. If you do not understand something you should ask via the Delta message centre for clarity.
Can I submit a tender with my own alternative conditions attached?
No, a tender will only be accepted if it is submitted in accordance with the instructions to tender and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract as stated.
How will I get feedback if I am not successful in a tender?
All unsuccessful bidders will receive a letter with a breakdown of their scores.
Where further information is required a bidder may ask for a debrief. A written debrief will be provided with comments given by the evaluation panel against each of the evaluation criteria responded too.
Does the Council support local businesses?
Yes, supporting the local economy is a key priority of the council.
Many of our contracts are suitable for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and local businesses to bid on.
If you are a local SME and have any further questions, please email
What are the benefits of doing work for a council?
Maldon District Council works under a fair tender process, with each applicant treated equally and transparently.
The council has a prompt invoice payment policy and is a reliable customer.
Working with public sector buyers also provides a track record to help you win work with other organisations, and where appropriate we are able to provide references for you to use.
What details must I send you to be set up as a supplier?
The supplier set up process at Maldon District Council requires companies that we do business with to complete and submit a supplier set up form that will be sent to you on award of contract. The information required on this form includes Suppliers address and contact details, bank details, VAT number.
The Council will then carry out the appropriate checks and once verified the supplier will be added to our system.
Does the Council operate an approved list of providers?
No, we do not. We will procure either through open competition or using a compliant framework.
Up to what level of opportunity do you just seek quotations and not a tender?
Maldon District Councils CPRs require a quotation process for purchasing requirements up to £50,000. A minimum three quotations are required to be sought and at these quotation levels we aim to look for SMEs and local providers.
Is the Council only interested in the cheapest price?
No, we always work on the basis of best value. This is a balance between measuring an acceptable and measured quality level of provision and the best price submitted. In other words, a supplier with an unacceptable quality level will not win a contract because their price is low.
If I currently have or have had a contract with the Council will I get preferential treatment for future opportunities?
No. In keeping with the principle of public procurement we will not give a supplier we may have an existing or past relationship with preferential treatment. Each tender opportunity will be run in a fair, open, and transparent manner.
I have heard that the Council uses compliant procurement frameworks for awarding contracts. What are they?
A procurement Framework is an agreement put in place with a single supplier or multiple suppliers that enables a contracting authority like Maldon District Council to place orders for services without running lengthy tendering exercises. It will normally require a competition process but is a faster route than traditional tendering.
Procurement Framework Agreements are Public Contract Regulations (2015) compliant, this removes the need to independently undertake a full procurement process, as this has already been done as part of setting up the Framework.
There are multiple organisations’ that offer frameworks for a variety of goods, works and services, below are some we use.
- The Crown Commercial Services (CCS)
- Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO)
- Yorkshire Purchase Organisation (YPO)
- NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS)
What is Social Value and why is it important in winning contracts?
The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 came into force in January 2013 cementing the responsibilities of a contracting authority when procuring services contracts subject to public procurement regulations to take into account the “economic, social and environmental well-being of the relevant area” in its procurement activity.
Social Value is defined as the additional benefit to the community from a commissioning/ procurement process over and above the direct purchasing of works, goods, and services.
Social Value is a key priority for Maldon District Council and we implement Social Value into all aspects of our procurement activity where it is practicable to do so.
Download our Social Value Policy.
The Council has declared a Climate Change Emergency. What does that mean for suppliers?
Saving the planet must be a priority for everyone and even a small change by everyone can make a significant positive impact in reducing carbon emissions, reducing pollutant, thinking about how we produce or build, how we dispose of goods and keep waste to a minimum.
Maldon District Council recognises it has great responsibilities when it comes to the Climate agenda.
So, it is important that as a potential supplier to Maldon District Council and more widely across the public sector that your organisation can demonstrate the positive steps you are taking in respect to reducing your carbon footprint.
Any useful tips you can give me?
- Make sure you follow the instructions in the tender.
- If we have given word or page limits stick to them.
- Read the tender documents and instructions carefully and seek clarification of anything you do not understand.
- Take note of the weightings of the evaluation criteria and answer appropriately to that.
- Give evidence and examples of any relevant skills and experience in quality questions.
- Make sure you have answered all the mandatory requirements.
- Give your best realistic price and break it down as much as possible.
Finally, understand what Maldon District Council’s wider priorities are, such as Social Value and Climate Change, and demonstrate how you can contribute to these priorities.