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The Government has introduced a new support scheme for those who are required by law to self-isolate from 28 September.

Published on Monday, 28th September 2020

The Government has introduced a new support scheme for those who are required by law to self-isolate from 28 September.

Individuals on lower incomes who cannot work from home and have lost income as a result of being told to self-isolate will be able to claim a payment of up to £500.   

Further details can be seen from the Government's news release  

We are working on the claim processes for the scheme including how to claim and how we will make payments.  We are working quickly to develop the scheme in line with the latest Government guidance, aiming for everything to be in place by 12 October.

Those individuals who start to self-isolate from 28 September will receive backdated payments once the scheme is set up work to support this scheme is being prioritised.  

Anyone who believes that they may be eligible to claim, should continue to check our website for further updates and please avoid telephoning the offices until the process is live.