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Get Help With Cost Of Living This Summer From Maldon District Council, From The Leader Of The Council.

Published on Monday, 3rd July 2023

Cllr Richard Siddall, Leader of the Council

The Leader of Maldon District Council, Cllr Richard Siddall talks about the cost-of-living support that is on offer to families throughout the summer and beyond.

“As the Leader of Maldon District Council, I am acutely aware of the financial pressures our communities are facing due to the Cost-of-Living crisis. The impact on families, people living alone, and older residents is pretty hard. Our local businesses are also struggling with increased costs.

"With this in the forefront of my mind, I want to share the support that the Council and our local partners can offer. We provide Cost of Living support on our website, this covers financial support information, help with paying bills, and where to find local food banks.

"I am also conscious that the school holidays will soon be upon us, and this adds financial pressures to families and young people. We have lots of free activities, outdoor spaces and low-cost fun on offer, information on this can be found at

"As such, I would like to take this opportunity to make you aware of UFEST, at Promenade Park on 4th August 2023 at 11:00 – 16:00. UFEST is a free family festival that showcases the best of local entertainment, clubs, and activities.”

“Sadly, we know some families will struggle to provide meals to their children throughout the holidays, help is available with this through the ‘Essex ActivAte Your Summer’ programme. Across the six weeks summer holiday, the free programme will provide children with physical activities as well as a nutritious meal, to support their physical and mental wellbeing, more information on the programme can be found at

"Support doesn’t stop there. Maldon District Council, through the One Maldon District partnership, is working with health and education providers, local voluntary sector organisations, and housing associations to deliver support where it is needed most and, in a way, that’s joined-up. Some good examples of its work include the development of the Community Services Guide and leaflet, which has been distributed to over 1500 residents. The partnership has provided funding support to community hubs across the district and will launch a new community hub shortly at the Maldon District Council offices.”

“My aim as Leader of the Council is to put politics aside and to ensure the Council works hard to support the challenges our residents are facing through these really hard times. I want to ensure we spend more time speaking to our town and parish councils to enable us to work better together. There will be more on this in my Leader’s statement at the next Council meeting on the 13th July at 7.30pm. You can watch this meeting live, by going to YouTube and searching ‘Maldon District Council".

Leader’s statement will follow after Council 13th July 7.30pm

Cost of living information:

Free or low-cost summer activities: Visit Maldon District - Visit Maldon District

ActivAte Your Summer Programme:

UFEST – 4th August, Promenade Park, 11am – 4pm (Free event)