How Should We Spend Your Money? – Help the Council Prioritise its Finances
Published on Thursday, 10th August 2023
Everyone’s finances are being squeezed at the moment and Councils are no different.
Maldon District Council is making plans for the challenging years ahead and wants to understand what is most important to the residents in the District.
The Council needs to use its limited resources effectively and it can only meet the needs of the District if it understands what everyone’s priorities are.
A consultation will open on Friday 11 August to ask residents and businesses for their views on how the Council uses its resources. Questions cover topics such as the cost-of-living crisis, the Council’s priorities and the funding of services. It also asks about a proposed 3% uplift in Council Tax for 2024/25 to help maintain Council services, which equates to an increase of under 13 pence per week on an average Band D property.
Councillor Richard Siddall, Leader of Maldon District Council, said “We know that there are pressures on money at the moment, and everyone is being hit by inflation and the high cost of living. I highlighted this and some of the help on offer to families earlier this summer.
“Unfortunately, councils are in exactly the same position, and we have continued uncertainty about our funding levels from Government.
“Like you, we need to plan how we spend our money and ensure that it is targeted. As a resident of the Maldon district, we want to know what you care about and what you consider the priorities for the District.
“We are asking for as many people as possible to complete a short questionnaire to let us know what is important to you in our District. The results will help us to make our financial plans and you will play a part in shaping the priorities for the Council and the District.
“We really value your input and so please spare five minutes to have your say.”
The questionnaire is available until Friday 22nd September and can be completed by going to
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