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Maldon District Council Launches 12 Days of Christmas Recycling Tips Campaign

Published on Monday, 27th November 2023

Maldon District Council are encouraging residents to think ‘greener’ this Christmas and get involved in a series of Christmas-themed recycling activities.

The #12DaysOfChristmasRecycling campaign brings the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ to life by showcasing twelve common festive items that can be recycled from chocolate tubs and foil to mince pie cases, turkey trimmings and vegetable peelings from Christmas dinner. 

Cllr Richard Siddall, Leader of Maldon District Council, said: “During the Christmas period, with the extra food we consume, it is crucial that we limit food waste and ensure that we reuse any leftovers, or that any waste goes into the food recycling.   

Many of the Christmas gifts we purchase come with large amounts of packaging. It is a prime opportunity to make sure that we are recycling everything we possibly can at home rather than throwing these items away to landfill.  

“Look to use Christmas wrapping paper that is recyclable and can be put into your pink recycling sacks. Let’s make it a green Christmas.” 

The campaign will be shared via the Council’s Facebook and Instagram pages between Christmas Day and Friday 5 January 2024, and residents are encouraged to get involved and share the recycling tips with their friends and family.