Pre-Submission Evidence Base Index - (0.24MB PDF)

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1 Spatial Vision and Development
2 Design and Climate Change
3 Economic Prosperity
4 Housing
5 Natural Environment and Green Infrastructure
6 Transport and Access
7 Implementation and Monitoring
8 General Other
9 Previous versions of the LDP and relevant documents

1 Spatial Vision and Development

EB001a Maldon District Council Historic Rate of Windfall Delivery - (0.49MB PDF)

EB001b Assessment of Historic and Future Windfall Housing Delivery in the Maldon District - (1.27MB PDF)

EB024 Historic Designed Landscapes of Essex - (10.27MB PDF)

EB037 Maldon District Draft Local Development Plan Considerations of the Alternative Growth Scenarios - (0.15MB PDF)

EB040a Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy Viability Study - (1.49MB PDF)

EB040b Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy Viability Study Appendices - (3.22MB PDF)

EB040c Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy Viability Study Post Consultation Update - (2.82MB PDF)

EB040d Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy Viability Study May 2014 Update - (1.21MB PDF)

EB043a Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phase 1 and Phase 2 - (1.94MB PDF)

EB043b Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phase 2 Scenario Development - (1.94MB PDF)

EB043c Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phase 3 - (1.43MB PDF)

EB043d Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phase 4 - (2.63MB PDF)

EB043e Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phase 5 - (4.81MB PDF)

EB043f Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phase 6 - (6.38MB PDF)

EB043g Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts - Phase 7 - (3.70MB PDF)

EB051 Maldon District LDP Evidence PAS Final Advice Note - (0.39MB PDF)

EB054 Maldon and Heybridge Visioning Workshop Report on workshop with Maldon District Council - (2.06MB PDF)

EB055 Maldon and Heybridge Central Area Contextual Study - (7.22MB PDF)

EB061 Maldon District LDP Preferred Growth Strategy - (6.31MB PDF)

EB063 Joint Position Statement Anglian Water, Environment Agency and Essex County Council on Development in North Fambridge - (0.24MB PDF)

EB064 Joint Position Statement Anglian Water and Environment Agency on Development in the Southminster Water Recycling - (0.18MB PDF)

EB072 Maldon District Profile - (0.69MB PDF)

EB098a Assessing Maldon's Housing Requirements Report - (1.33MB PDF)

EB098b Assessing Maldon's Housing Requirements Member Presentation 13 - (1.29MB PDF)

EB098c Supplementary Statement to Assessing Maldon's Housing Requirements - (0.92MB PDF)

EB099 Maldon and Heybridge Central Area Intermediate Study - (7.27MB PDF)

EB105 Development and Improvement Plan for The Causeway Regeneration Area - (2.56MB PDF)

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2 Design and Climate Change

EB002 Maldon and Heybridge Surface Water Management Plan - (11.26MB PDF)

EB003 2012 Air Quality Updating and Screening Assessment for Maldon District Council - (1.66MB PDF)

EB005 Essex & Suffolk Water Resources Plan - (6.95MB PDF)

EB008 Essex Landscape Character Assessment - (29.76MB PDF)

EB009a Landscape Character Assessment - (58.18MB PDF)

EB009b Landscape Character Assessment Figures - (20.29MB PDF)

EB018 Maldon District Historic Environment Characterisation Project - (4.68MB PDF)

EB019 Maldon District Historic Barns Project Report - (7.07MB PDF)

EB020 Maldon District Historic Skyline Survey - (26.53MB PDF)

EB021 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment - (5.06MB PDF)

EB022a Conservation Area Review and Appraisal _Bradwell-on-Sea - (1.60MB PDF)

EB022b Conservation Area Review and Appraisal_Burnham-on-Crouch - (61.02MB PDF)

EB022c Conservation Area Review and Appraisal_Goldhanger - (4.56MB PDF)

EB022d Conservation Area Review and Appraisal_Heybridge Basin - (3.91MB PDF)

EB022e Conservation Area Review and Appraisal_Langford - (5.50MB PDF)

EB022f Conservation Area Review and Appraisal_Maldon - (6.83MB PDF)

EB022g Conservation Area Review and Appraisal_Purleigh - (2.73MB PDF)

EB022h Conservation Area Review and Appraisal_Tillingham - (2.92MB PDF)

EB022i Conservation Area Review and Appraisal_Tollesbury - (4.50MB PDF)

EB023 Local List of Buildings of Architechural or Historic Interest - (2.03MB PDF)

EB025 Essex Design Guide - (3.99MB PDF)

EB026 The Maldon Coast (Inter-Tidal Archaeological Survey) - (5.63MB PDF)

EB030 Mid Essex Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Main report - (2.20MB PDF)

EB031 Mid Essex Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Maldon Report - (117.41MB PDF)

EB032 Anglian River Basin Management Plan - (1.81MB PDF)

EB033 Essex Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2013 - (1.53MB PDF)

EB034 Maldon Scoping Water Cycle Study - (15.73MB PDF)

EB042 Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Essex 2007 to 2032 - (0.35MB PDF)

EB044 Draft Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan 2 - (25.25MB PDF)

EB053 Maldon District Characterisation Assessment - (1.95MB PDF)

EB067 Maldon District Contaminated Land Strategy - (0.68MB PDF)

EB075 Maldon District Vehicle Parking Standards SPD - (0.77MB PDF)

EB076 North Essex Catchment Flood Management Plan - (1.52MB PDF)

EB077 South Essex Catchment Flood Management Plan - (1.45MB PDF)

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3 Economic Prosperity

EB011 Essex Local Economic Assessment - (4.02MB PDF)

EB012a North Essex Authorities Retail Study Stage 1 - (12.88MB PDF)

EB012b North Essex Authorities Retail Study Stage 2 Maldon - (2.37MB PDF)

EB012c North Essex Authorities Retail Capacity Update - (0.43MB PDF)

EB015 The Causeway Retail Impact Assessment - (1.03MB PDF)

EB016a Mid Essex Economic Futures Study Executive Summary - (3.70MB PDF)

EB016b Mid Essex Economic Futures Study Report - (5.00MB PDF)

EB028 Economic Impact of Tourism - Essex - (0.17MB PDF)

EB029a Maldon Tourism Strategy Research Report - (2.60MB PDF)

EB029b Maldon Tourism Strategy Research Appendices - (2.50MB PDF)

EB035a Maldon District Employment Land Review Report - (19.11MB PDF)

EB035b Maldon District Employment Land Review Addendum - (5.45MB PDF)

EB049 Maldon District Retail Monitoring Report 2012 - (4.25MB PDF)

EB049b Maldon District Retail Monitoring Report 2014 - (7.29MB PDF)

EB060 Heart of Essex Economic Futures - (1.26MB PDF)

EB068a Maldon District Economic Prosperity Strategy - (0.65MB PDF)

EB068b Maldon District Economic Prosperity Strategy Evidence Base - (3.15MB PDF)

EB074 Maldon District Retail Assessment - (0.98MB PDF)

EB102a Employment Evidence and Policy Update - Final Report (July 2015) - (8.20MB PDF)

EB102b Employment Evidence and Policy Update - Appendix 4 (July 2015) - (18.79MB PDF)

EB103 Maldon Retail Study (July 2015) - (6.64MB PDF)

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4 Housing

EB006 Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Show People in the East of England - (2.27MB PDF)

EB007a Essex Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment - (2.21MB PDF)

EB007b Gypsy & Traveller Accomodation Assessme 2014 - (4.45MB PDF)

EB007c Maldon District Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment Need Summary Report Dec 2016 - (1.01MB PDF)

EB010a Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2008 - (1.29MB PDF)

EB010b Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update 2009 - (0.48MB PDF)

EB010c Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update 2012 - (0.97MB PDF)

EB010d Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update Explanatory Note 2013 - (0.07MB PDF)

EB010e Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update 2014 - (5.70MB PDF)

EB010f Strategic Housing Market Assessment September 2014 - (17.86MB PDF)

EB010g Strategic Housing Market Assessment Explanatory Note September 2014 - (0.12MB PDF)

EB056a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Report - (3.43MB PDF)

EB056b Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Site Schedules 2012 - (0.76MB PDF)

EB056c Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Site Maps 2012 - (20.77MB PDF)

EB056d SHLAA 2014 Volume 1 - Update Report - (0.75MB PDF)

EB056e SHLAA 2014 Volume 2 - Tables - (1.36MB PDF)

EB056f SHLAA 2014 Volume 3 - Maps (reduced for web) - (13.53MB PDF)

EB057 Maldon District Affordable Housing Guide - (0.23MB PDF)

EB062 Heart of Essex Housing Growth Scenarios - (0.87MB PDF)

EB071 Maldon District Older Persons' Housing Strategy - (0.13MB PDF)

EB073 Maldon District Provision for Travellers Future Allocations Assessment - (0.18MB PDF)

EB078 Objectively Assessed Needs Housing Technical Paper - (0.20MB PDF)

EB104 Review of Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (July 2015) - (0.38MB PDF)

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5 Natural Environment and Green Infrastructure

EB041a Maldon District Green Infrastructure Study Report - (9.33MB PDF)

EB041b Maldon District Green Infrastructure Study Appendices - (8.37MB PDF)

EB047 Maldon District Local Wildlife Sites Review - (0.08MB PDF)

EB058 Maldon District Children's Play Strategy 2007-2012 - (0.17MB PDF)

EB070 Maldon District Nature Conservation Study - (0.61MB PDF)

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6 Transport and Access

EB004a Assessment of Impact of Proposed Development Sites in Heybridge, South Maldon and Burnham-on-Crouch - (4.22MB PDF)

EB004b Technical Note - Impact of Proposed Development Sites in Heybridge and South Maldon on Wider Highway Network - (0.57MB PDF)

EB004c Further Assessment of Impact of Proposed Development Sites in Heybridge and South Maldon on Highways Network - (2.27MB PDF)

EB004d Technical Note - Impact of Proposed Development Sites in Heybridge and South Maldon on Wider Highway Network November 2014 - (2.39MB PDF)

EB004e Technical Note - Infrastructure Phasing - (0.72MB PDF)

EB048 Essex Local Transport Strategy - (2.09MB PDF)

EB065 Reallocation of 335 Dwellings from South Maldon to Heybridge - (1.05MB PDF)

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7 Implementation and Monitoring

EB045 Maldon District Health Profile - (1.09MB PDF)

EB050 Maldon District Annual Monitoring Report - (1.23MB PDF)

EB050a AMR 2015-2016 final - (1.88MB PDF)

EB059a Maldon District Infrastructure Delivery Plan Baseline Report - (0.95MB PDF)

EB059b Maldon District Infrastructure Delivery Plan Schedule June Update - (0.44MB PDF)

EB059c Maldon District Infrastructure Delivery Plan December Update - (1.44MB PDF)

EB059d Maldon District Infrastructure Delivery Plan Update May 2014 - (1.14MB PDF)

EB069 Maldon District Health Needs Assessment - (2.85MB PDF)

EB096a Five-Year Housing Land Supply Statement September 2011 - (1.34MB PDF)

EB096b Five-Year Housing Land Supply Statement May 2014 - (1.10MB PDF)

EB096c Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement July 2015 - (0.83MB PDF)

EB096d MDC FYHLS August 2016 final - (1.24MB PDF)

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8 General Other

EB013 Essex Waste Development Document Preferred Approach - (4.46MB PDF)

EB014 Greater Essex Integrated County Strategy - (1.22MB PDF)

EB017 Heybridge Basin Village Design Statement - (0.88MB PDF)

EB027 Essex, Southend-on-Sea & Thurrock Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - (3.10MB PDF)

EB038 Maldon District Rural Facilities Survey - (0.40MB PDF)

EB038b Maldon District Rural Facilities Survey - (0.97MB PDF)

EB039 Maldon District Rural Gap Analysis Report - (0.92MB PDF)

EB046a Ward Profile_Althorne - (1.01MB PDF)

EB046b Ward Profile_Burnham North - (0.96MB PDF)

EB046c Ward Profile_Burnham South - (0.84MB PDF)

EB046d Ward Profile_Great Totham - (1.21MB PDF)

EB046e Ward Profile_Heybridge East - (0.92MB PDF)

EB046f Ward Profile_Heybridge West - (0.90MB PDF)

EB046g Ward Profile_Maldon East - (0.95MB PDF)

EB046h Ward Profile_Maldon North - (0.79MB PDF)

EB046i Ward Profile_Maldon South - (0.73MB PDF)

EB046j Ward Profile_Maldon West - (0.84MB PDF)

EB046k Ward Profile_Mayland - (0.88MB PDF)

EB046l Ward Profile_Purleigh - (1.10MB PDF)

EB046m Ward Profile_Southminster - (0.90MB PDF)

EB046n Ward Profile_Tillingham - (0.79MB PDF)

EB046o Ward Profile_Tollesbury - (0.89MB PDF)

EB046p Ward Profile_Tolleshunt D'Arcy - (1.09MB PDF)

EB046q Ward Profile_Wickham Bishops and Woodham - (1.26MB PDF)

EB052 Report of Spatial Vision Workshops - (0.11MB PDF)

EB066 Maldon District Community Led Planning Protocol - (0.05MB PDF)

EB079 Wickham Bishops Village Design Statement - (1.79MB PDF)

EB093 North Heybridge Garden Suburb Masterplan Brief - (0.92MB PDF)

EB094 South of Maldon Garden Suburb Brief for Strategic Masterplan Framework - (0.40MB PDF)

EB097a Natural England Pre-Submission LDP Response - (1.01MB PDF)

EB097b Natural England Pre-Submission LDP Response - (0.52MB PDF)

EB097c Natural England Pre-Submission LDP Response - (0.52MB PDF)

EB100 MDC letter to the Environment Agency - (0.08MB PDF)

EB101 Environment Agency Letter to MDC - (0.28MB PDF)

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9 Previous versions of the LDP and relevant documents

EB036a Assessment of Impact of Potential Core Strategy Sites on Existing Junctions Report - (7.30MB PDF)

EB036b Assessment of Impact of Potential Core Strategy Sites on Existing Junctions Appendix - (2.69MB PDF)

EB080 Draft Core Strategy Issues & Options Report 1 - (0.22MB PDF)

EB081 Draft Core Strategy Issues & Options Report 2 - (0.25MB PDF)

EB082 Draft Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report - (1.85MB PDF)

EB083 Draft Core Strategy Consultation Document - (1.37MB PDF)

EB084a Draft Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Report - (3.05MB PDF)

EB084b Draft Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Appendices - (1.71MB PDF)

EB085 Draft Core Strategy Habitat Regulation Assessment - (1.82MB PDF)

EB086 Draft Core Strategy Preferred Options Consultation Summary Report - (0.08MB PDF)

EB087 Maldon District LDP Preferred Options Consultation Document - (9.21MB PDF)

EB088a Maldon District LDP Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary - (0.25MB PDF)

EB088b Maldon District LDP Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal Report - (0.60MB PDF)

EB088c Maldon District LDP Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal Appendices - (9.03MB PDF)

EB088d Maldon District LDP Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal Appendix D - (0.44MB PDF)

EB089 Maldon District LDP Preferred Options Equality Impact Assessment - (0.41MB PDF)

EB090 Maldon District LDP Preferred Options Consultation Response Summary - (0.09MB PDF)

EB091 Maldon District Draft LDP Consultation Document - (3.83MB PDF)

EB092a Maldon District Draft LDP SA, Strategic Environmental Assessment & HRA Non-Technical Summary - (0.27MB PDF)

EB092b Maldon District Draft LDP SA, Strategic Environmental Assessment & HRA Report - (0.82MB PDF)

EB092c Maldon District Draft LDP SA, Strategic Environmental Assessment & HRA Appendices - (1.52MB PDF)

EB095 Schedule of Changes to the Maldon District Draft Local Development Plan 2014-2029 - (2.22MB PDF)

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