Essex Coast RAMS
The Essex Coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (Essex RAMS) has been developed in partnership with Natural England and 11 local authorities in Essex, including Maldon.
The strategy sets out a long-term approach to lessen the impact of local housing development on protected habitat sites along the Essex coast. It specifically aims to prevent habitat disturbance from recreational activities through a series of mitigation measures, which are to be funded by developer contributions from residential development schemes.
The RAMS payment applies to all residential development within a catchment area known as the Zone of Influence (ZoI), which encompasses the whole of the Maldon District.
Developers are required to submit a S106 unilateral undertaking (UU) and pay the checking and monitoring fee for a valid application that creates one or more dwelling.
We do not accept the payment of the full RAMS tariff upfront prior to the decision of the planning/prior approval application.
• Checking fee – £75
• Monitoring fee – £50
• RAMS tariff – £163.86 per net new dwelling (2024/25)
We will collect money via planning obligations that we secure using:
• Unilateral undertakings
• S106 agreements
Process for developers prior to a decision being issued for all applications excluding prior approval applications:
Complete the UU ensuring dates and signatures of all parties with interest in the land have been filled in. It should be noted if there is a mortgagee a signature from the bank or building society will be required.
Visit the RAMS page, attach completed UU and pay checking and monitoring fee (£125)
Process for developers prior to a decision being issued for prior approval applications only :
Complete the UU ensuring dates and signatures of all parties with interest in the land have been filled in. It should be noted if there is a mortgagee a signature from the bank or building society will be required.
Visit the RAMS page, attach completed UU and pay checking and monitoring fee (£125)
Process once planning permission has been granted
Pay RAMS Tariff of £163.86 per net new dwelling
Note: Payment of this tariff is to be made only when planning permission has been obtained and must be paid at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the development.
Updated 2 April 2024