- Safeguarding
- Scheduled monuments
- School term dates
- Scrap metal dealers licence
- Search for planning applications
- Searches
- Sewage spreading complaints
- Sex establishment licence
- Sexual Abuse
- Sharps - disposal
- Single People - Homelessness
- Skin piercing licence registration
- Skip hire for businesses
- Sludge spreading complaints
- Smells
- Social Media Community Guidelines
- Someone has died - how to register the death
- Special events road closure - application form
- Staff structures
- Starting a business
- Starting a food business
- Stop the hate
- Stray animals
- Stray or missing cats
- Street cleaning
- Street collections
- Street light repair
- Street nameplates
- Street naming
- Street trading
- Subscribe to updates (Committee meetings)
- Subscription service - garden waste
- Supplying the Council
- Support - hate crime
- Support for armed forces veterans
- Surface water flooding
- Syringes - disposal
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