How to comment on a planning application
To make a comment
- Visit our online comment facility. You will need to register or log on to Public Access. This platform is separate to MyMaldon and Connect 24/7
- Email
- Write to us at: Planning Services, Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon,CM9 5DL
All comments on an application must be made in writing and include:
- The planning application reference number
- Your full postal address
- Your name
- The site address of the proposed development
Anonymous and confidential comments cannot be accepted.
What we can consider
We will only consider comments if they relate to planning matters.
Planning matters include:
- The size and scale of the proposal
- Potential loss of light
- The design and appearance of the proposal
- Potential loss of privacy or increased overlooking
- The impact on traffic and parking
- Potential for additional noise and disturbance
- The impact on trees, landscape or existing buildings
Planning matters do not include:
- Property value
- The loss of a view
- Land ownership disputes
- Preference for an alternative development
- Competition for existing business
- The personal circumstance of the applicant
Publishing comments
We are required by law to make all names, addresses and comments available to view by any members of the public, including the applicant.
We may summarise your comment where:
- The comment is openly offensive, defamatory or discriminatory
- The comment is in a format we can not copy from eg: hand written letter, photos, illustrations
If you comment on a planning application, you will not receive progress reports but will be informed of the decision. You can check the progress using our planning application search facility.
Views made by individuals or organisations on planning applications do not represent the views of the Local Planning Authority.