An enforcement notice may be issued when a breach of planning control has taken place and that attempts to persuade the owner or occupier of a site to voluntarily correct the harmful effects of unauthorised development have failed. With an enforcement notice the recipient(s) must take the specified steps within a set time period. Failure to comply with a notice is a criminal offence. The recipient(s) of a notice have the right to appeal to the Secretary of State through the Planning Inspectorate. An appeal suspends the effect of the notice until it is determined.
Our enforcement register is not yet available to view on-line. If you wish to inspect the paper register, you may view it at the Council offices, Princes Road, Maldon. If you would like a copy of an enforcement notice, please email us providing the address that it relates to and the enforcement reference number.
If you would like to know if an enforcement notice has been complied with, this will be dealt with through our chargeable pre-application scheme.