A local land charges search consists of two parts and will identify:
- the planning history of the property from 1 August 1977
- planning policies affecting the land
- any developments which directly affect the land
- any local land charges that would restrict the use or would lead to a charge being passed to the new owner of the land
- the building control history of the property (previous 15 years)
The LLC1
This is the official certificate that deals with all the charges recorded in the Local Land Charges Register. These charges include:
- financial charges for drainage, demolition, grants for works and noise abatement notices
- emergency works notices
- conditional planning application decisions issued on or after 1 August 1977 and planning enforcement notices
- article 4 directions, listed buildings and ancient monuments
- planning Agreements
For a search of the Local Land Charges Register LLC1 please visit HM Land Registry
The Conveyancing Form (Con 29)
This is a standard form of questions which is divided into two parts.
The CON29(R) contains comprehensive enquiries falling broadly into four categories:
- planning history (going back 15 years)
- building control regulations (going back 15 years)
- highways information
- environmental information
The CON29(O) contains optional questions that your solicitor may consider appropriate, such as:
- public paths or byways
- commons and village greens
- gas pipelines
To request a CON29(R) and/or CON29(O) please submit your form which are available to buy from Law Stationers and send by email.
All fees must be paid at the time of the search request.
Fees can be paid using the following methods:
- Pay by BACS. Details will be supplied by email once the search has been accepted. Please do not use our Automated Telephone Payment service for Planning or Land Charge Fees.
We aim to complete and return searches within 5-8 working days of receipt of the correct documentation and fee.
Please note: A local land charge search will only give the information relating to the property and/or land identified on the plan. It will not give information relating to adjoining or nearby properties.