Housing Support and Advice - Useful Links
Older and disabled people
- Advice for disabled people about VAT relief on products on services
- NIdirect - delivering attendance allowance, disability living allowance and carer's allowance
- Shaw Trust - national charity to help people with disabilities find employment
- The Pensions Service
Legal and debt
- Charis Grants - offers financial help to domestic customers of British Gas, N Power, EDF, Anglian Water and Veolia
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Child Support Agency
- Forced marriage and honour based violence - useful contacts
- HM Revenue and Customs
- Communities and Local Government
- Energy Savings Trust
- Shelter
- Swan Housing
- The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA)
- The Rent Service - government agency providing a rental valuation service to local authorities in England
- Housing benefits
- Council tax
- Change of address