Making a Claim for Personal Injury or Damage to Property
You may only make a claim against us if you believe we have been negligent, and:
You suffered loss or damage to your possessions due to an incident, or
You suffered an injury
If you make a claim you must give evidence of why you think we are responsible for your loss or injury, providing the following:
The full circumstances of the incident, including the date and time if relevant
The reason why you hold us responsible
Description of the injury, property damage or financial loss
Exact location of the incident (postcode/what3words etc)
If relating to a defect, please provide photographs showing the location, general area and the defect, marking the precise point of the defect with a cross and an arrow showing the direction on travel. Please advise who took the photographs and the date they were taken.
Although something unfortunate may have happened, there is no automatic entitlement to compensation. What is alleged to have happened may not be the Council's fault.
Your claim will be referred to our public liability insurer, or it may be referred to a contractor or landowner (if known) if we are not the responsible party.
If you wish to submit a claim, please provide the above information and submit to