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Councillors' register of interests - Maldon District Council

The Monitoring Officer is required by the Localism Act 2011 to maintain a Register of Councillors' interests and to publish the Register on the Council's website.  Members of the public can arrange to view Registers of Interest by contacting the Monitoring Officer.

The Register of Interest sets out the nature of interest which must be declared by each Councillor under the following headings:

  • Disclosable Pecuniary Interests - Members are required to register not only their own interests under this heading but also those of their spouse or civil partner or of any person with whom they are living as husband and wife or as if they were civil partners and the Member is aware that the other person has the interest
  • Other Pecuniary Interests - Members are only obliged to register their own interests under this heading and do not need to include the interests of spouses or civil partners or others
  • Registerable Non- Pecuniary Interests - Members are only obliged to register their own interests under this heading and do not need to include the interests of spouses or civil partners or others

Registers of Interest for Maldon District Councillors can be found on the relevant Councillors information page.

Councillors' Register of Interests - Parish and Town Councils

The Monitoring Officer is required by the Localism Act 2011 to maintain a register of Councillors interests in respect of Parish and Town Councils situated within the Maldon District and to publish the register on the Council's website.  Where a Parish or Town Council has a website, it must also be published on that website.  Members of the public can arrange to view it at the respective Parish or Town Council offices.

Register of Interest for Parish and Town Councillors can be found on the relevant Parish / Town Council information page.

Register of Interest Form:
District, Parish and Town Councillors can complete an online Register of interest form.