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Premises licence

You will need to be licensed by us if you do any of the following within the Maldon District:

  • sell alcohol
  • provide regulated entertainment (such as plays, films, indoor sporting events, boxing or wrestling entertainment, live or recorded music, dance performance)
  • provide late night refreshment (hot food or drink between the hours of 11pm and 5am)

Any of the following may apply for a premises licence:

  • anyone who carries on a business in the premises to which the application relates
  • a recognised club
  • a charity
  • a health service body
  • a person who is registered under the Care Standards Act 2000 or under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 in respect of independent hospitals
  • a chief officer of police
  • anyone discharging a function under Her Majesty's prerogative
  • a proprietor from an educational institute

Applicants must be aged 18 years or above.

Applicants must be British citizens or have lawful immigration status in the UK and entitled to work here, including permission to carry out work in a licensable activity (those licensed for alcohol and late-night refreshment).

A person is disqualified from applying for a premises licence if:

  1. the person requires immigration permission to enter or remain in the UK and has not been granted it; or
  2. the person has been granted such leave and the leave is invalid; has ceased to have effect; is subject to a condition preventing the person from doing work relating to the carrying on of a licensable activity.

Licensing Act 2003

The following trade associations may be able to offer advice:

Register of premises licences in the Maldon District (please note that although some premises are no longer trading, the licence has not been surrendered).