Applications should be submitted with a:
- plan of the premises (to be in a specific format)
- operating schedule
- form of consent from the designated premises supervisor (where there is a sale of alcohol)
- the correct fee
Operating schedule
An operating schedule is a document which must contain the following information:
- the licensable activities
- the times the activities will take place
- other times when the premises will be open to the public
- in the case of applicants who wish to have a limited licence, the period the licence is required for
- information in respect of the designated premises supervisor
- whether any alcohol that is to be sold is for consumption on or off the premises or both
- the steps to be taken to promote the licensing objectives
- any other required information
Applicants must advertise their application in a local newspaper and also on the premises. To assist applicants, a recommended format is provided:
- Public Notice - Application for a premises licence / club premises certificate
- Newspaper Ad - Application for a premises licence / club premises certificate
- Public Notice - Application for a provisional statement
- Newspaper Ad - Application for a provisional statement
Please note public notices MUST be printed on pale blue paper
The applicant must also give notice of the application to all responsible authorities (these can be found on Appendix 2 of the Licensing Policy ). Following changes to the Licensing Act which came into force on the 6th April 2017, the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement) is now a responsible authority. This responsible authority must also receive copies of postal applications by sending to: Alcohol Licensing Team, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon CR9 2BY.
A licensing officer or responsible authority may visit the premises before an application is considered.
If we grant the application, it will be subject to mandatory conditions and conditions consistent with the operating schedule. If any representations are made within 28 days of the application, a hearing will be held. We will notify the applicant, any person who has made relevant representations and responsible authorities of the hearing date. Members of the Council will preside over the hearing and determine whether:
- a licence should be granted or granted subject to additional conditions
- to exclude licensable activities listed in the application
- to refuse the application altogether
If another person wants to hold the premises licence, an application to transfer the licence will need to be made (transfers do not need to be advertised).
An application for an interim authority notice can be made following the death, incapacity or insolvency of a licence holder.