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Making an application

To give notice of a temporary event, please read through the guidance notes.

Notice must be given at least 10 working days (or 5 to 9 working days for a late notice) before the event. Please note that working days do not include weekends, bank holidays or the day the notice is received or the day of the event. Where possible, it is recommended that notice is given earlier than the legal minimum requirement. If the event crosses the Maldon District boundary, you will also need to give notice to the relevant Council(s).

You can give notice of a TEN through the TEN online form

(Please note that if you are experiencing problems and receive a "Please wait" message you will need to open the Adobe Read application first (from the Start menu on Windows, or from the Applications folder) and use the File > Open to open the PDF on your computer). You will be able to make payment of the £21 fee by Debit card when submitting the online form.

If you are not using the online application, the notice must be given to all the responsible authorities involved, they are:

  • Licensing and Environmental Health at Maldon District Council; and
  • The Chief Officer of Police, Licensing Department (Alcohol), Essex Police, Braintree, Essex CM7 3DJ

A £21 fee must also accompany the TEN sent to Maldon District Council. Printable form.