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Maldon District Digital Inclusion Group

The Maldon District Digital Inclusion Group is a district-wide group providing digital access and inclusion for residents. The group is community-led and features organisations from across the private, public, and charity sectors, all providing digital access to those who are not online currently or cannot access online services.

This list is not exhaustive, and more organisations may appear in due course. If you want to find out more about this, or get involved, please contact Joshua Fulcher at

Steeple Coffee & Digital Group

Organised by MOAT Foundation, this group aims to provide a friendly and welcoming session for people living in the Steeple area to meet up with other members of their community and learn some useful digital skills in the process.

The session takes place on Tuesday each week between 2pm - 4pm, contact Nicky Plumb at MOAT Foundation to attend at

Fullbridge Job Club

Organised by Fullbridge Church, this group aims to provide digital training for unemployed people living in the District to learn some useful digital skills.

The session takes place on Tuesday each week between 10am - 1pm, contact Fullbridge Church Maldon to attend at

Pioneers i-Team

Organised by Maldon Pioneers, this group aims to provide a friendly and welcoming session for SEN (Special Educational Needs) Adults in the District to learn some useful digital skills.

The session takes place on Monday each week between 9am - 11am, contact Maldon Pioneers to attend at

Knightswood Court Digital Group

Organised by MOAT Foundation, this group aims to provide a friendly and welcoming session for people living in Knightswood Court to meet up with other members of their community and learn some useful digital skills in the process.

The session takes place on Tuesday each week between 2pm - 4pm, contact Nicky Plumb at MOAT Foundation to attend at

One to One Digital Support

Organised by MOAT Foundation, this group aims to provide a friendly and welcoming session for Moat Foundation residents to meet up with other members of their community and learn some useful digital skills in the process.

The support service can be accessed by contacting Nicky Plumb at MOAT Foundation to attend at

Digital Drop-in sessions and Fulbridge Church

Organised by Maldon and District CVS, these sessions aim to provide a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for people to meet up with other members of their community and learn some useful digital skills.

The sessions take place each Wednesday between 10am - 12pm, contact Carly Flain to attend at

Digital Drop-in sessions and Burnham Baptist Church

Organised by Maldon and District CVS, these sessions aim to provide a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for people to meet up with other members of their community and learn some useful digital skills.

The sessions take place on the second and fourth Monday on of each month between 10am - 12pm, contact Carly Flain to attend at

Power of Gaming

Organised by Maldon and District CVS, these sessions aim to provide a friendly and welcoming youth club for young people aged 13 years or older, using gaming as a route to skills development and social inclusion.

The sessions have not been confirmed yet, contact Jay Gaffney to attend at

Adult Education - Digital Learning with ACL

Organised by ACL Essex, these sessions provide formal IT training courses.

There are multiple sessions available, visit to find out more and book.

Online safety training

Organised by EST E Safety Training (the 2 Johns), these sessions provide resources including Facebook webinars for parents and professionals.

There are multiple sessions available, visit to find out more and book.

Digital support sessions

Organised by Maldon and District CVS, these sessions aim to provide informal digital learning.

The sessions take place fortnightly on Fridays between 10am - 12pm, contact Carly Flain to attend at

Thriving Ai

Organised by Dengie Neighbourhood Team, these sessions aim to create a digital circle of care for people in their homes.

Find out more at

Tec Mates with WeCan

Organised by Maldon and District CVS, these sessions focus on care tech solutions for older people.

There are various sessions available, contact Carly Flain to attend at

Clarion futures

Organised by Clarion futures, these sessions focus on online learning for job seekers or digital learning for Clarion residents.

There are various sessions available, visit to attend.

Way Back When

Organised by Essex County Council, these sessions provide reminiscence activities for people with dementia and their carers. Being piloted in Essex, local groups involved with the pilot include Action for Family Carers and Knightswood Day Care Centre.

There are various sessions available, contact Essex County Council on for more information.