The Community Right to Challenge is part of the Localism Act 2011. It allows community and voluntary groups (including Parish and Town Councils) to put in a request to take over the running of Council services and facilities.
The Right to Challenge involves a lengthy and formal process that is set down in the legislation. For community groups who want to find out more there is a website available at the My Community website.
Information is available on the website of how the process will work at Maldon District Council. In particular the Council is keen to encourage any group that is thinking of using the Right to Challenge to contact it first as there may be another more collaborative approach that can be taken to achieve the same results.
Any group considering using the Community Right to Challenge is advised to approach the Council at an early stage to discuss whether there are any options to achieve the same result without having to use the Right.
Approaches should be made in writing to the address shown below.