When food businesses are inspected by us, each business is rated according to the standards found, for example cleanliness. Councils publish the results of their inspections through the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS).
You can make informed choices about where you choose to eat by checking their Food Hygiene Rating. If you are choosing where to eat based on standards found, businesses will be keen to improve their rating.
Businesses are rated from 0 to 5, 5 being excellent and zero being very poor.
If you are a new business awaiting inspection and would like to display a 'waiting inspection' rating sticker, please let us know. If you have lost or damaged your sticker you can contact the Council and request a replacement, please note there will be a fee for a replacement FHRS sticker.
Every effort will be made to ensure the accuracy of the data that is published.
Businesses have certain rights, see Food hygiene rating - rights of businesses.