Food hygiene rating - rights of businesses
Food Businesses
If you are a food business and have just received a food hygiene rating, you are encouraged to display the rating where consumers can see it, e.g. in the window or door. Please destroy any previous certificates or stickers (to continue to display them may constitute an offence under trading standards law).
As a food business operator, you have the following rights:
Right of Appeal
If you consider the food hygiene rating to be unfair, contact the food inspector who did the inspection to discuss the reasons behind the food hygiene rating. If you are still unsatisfied, you have 21 days (this includes weekends and bank holidays) from the food hygiene rating notification date to appeal to the lead officer for food at the Council by completing the appeal form and returning it to the Council.
The outcome of the appeal with be communicated to you within 21 days of the appeal date. The food hygiene rating will not be published until after the appeal.
Right to Reply
This allows you to state what actions have been taken to rectify the problems identified or to explain the mitigating circumstances at the time of the inspection. Please note that the text may be edited before being published in order to remove any offensive, defamatory or irrelevant remarks such as criticism of the scheme or the food inspector. Your reply will be published on the Food Standards Agency’s website along with your food hygiene rating. Complete the right to reply form and return it to the Council.
Consent for early publication of rating
As the food business operator you may request that your rating is published early (before the appeal period has ended). Complete the consent form and return it to the Council.
Request a Revisit
You can request a revisit at any time following the inspection once you have completed the improvement identified by the food inspector. Information will need to be provided on what improvements have been made, including evidence where appropriate. For example, receipts for works completed; relevant documented procedures; etc. The food inspector may discuss these improvements with you before visiting.
There is a fee for a food safety re-visit to your business to re-score the food hygiene rating. An unannounced visit will be made within 3 months of receipt of the fee. Complete the request a revisit form and return it to the Council, ensuring that you pay the fee.
You can pay the fee by:-
- sending the completed form with a cheque made payable to Maldon District Council and quoting the reference 'Food Safety Revisit A573-9650' on the back of cheque
- paying with a Debit card online selecting the "Other" option and quoting the reference 'Food Safety Revisit A573-9650' and the name of your premises.
Replacement food hygiene rating stickers
If you require a replacement food hygiene rating sticker, please phone 01621 854477 to request one. There is a fee for this replacement which will need to be paid by debit card, please quote 'Food Safety Activities A573-9650