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Housing Association or Registered Social Landlords

Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) used to be known as Housing Associations or Co-Operatives and in many areas including Maldon they have taken over the ownership and management of the Council housing stock.

If you are a tenant of a housing association and you have a problem with disrepair or the safety of your home, then you should report this to your landlord. All RSLs have a procedure by which you can report an issue such as repairs. Most repairs are prioritised so that urgent matters will be dealt with as soon as practical. The main RSLs operating in Maldon are listed below together with links to their web site which gives details of how to report a repair:

As with all tenancies you should give your landlord an opportunity to deal with the problem before making a complaint. If the initial response is unsatisfactory then you should make a complaint via your landlord's formal complaint procedure. Only after all your efforts have been unsuccessful should you contact the Council to ask us to help.