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Any insects coming from industrial, trade or business properties and being harmful to health or a nuisance can be considered as a "statutory nuisance". This does not include homes.

Most likely cause of insect problems

  • Poultry houses / farms (buildings on agricultural land are not exempt from statutory nuisance from insects, even though the land surrounding them may be)
  • Sewage treatment works
  • Manure / silage storage areas
  • Animal housing
  • Stagnant ditches and drains (for example containing putrid water) (provided they are on relevant industrial premises)
  • Landfill sites / refuse tips
  • Waste transfer premises
  • The commercial parts of mixed commercial / residential blocks of buildings (for example excluding the residential premises contained therein)
  • Trade or business premises (for example contaminated goods, kitchen areas)
  • Slaughterhouses
  • Used car tyre recycling businesses

You can find more information on our Pest Advice pages

The Law Relating to Statutory Nuisance

How to Make a Complaint