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Aircraft noise

Aeroplane noise

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) provides a focal point for receiving and responding to environmental complaints about aviation, including aircraft noise complaints, from the general public.

Aircraft noise complaints can be lodged with the CAA, CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway, London WS2B 6TE. Tel: 02073797311 or 02074536524/5.

Environmental information sheets are available from the CAA's website. Further advice can also be obtained from the Aviation Environment Federation, High Timber Street , London, EC4V 3NS. Tel: 0207 3298359.

Helicopter noise

Helicopter noise could be controlled if it originates regularly from a private property. Planning restrictions may apply, and noise made by the aircraft whilst on the ground, for example during engine testing, may constitute a 'statutory nuisance'.

The environmental health department can give you further advice and help regarding this. You may also wish to contact the British Helicopter Advisory Board, Fairoaks, Woking , Surrey . Tel: 01276 856100.

Military aircraft

We have no powers to investigate complaints regarding noise from military aircraft. For more information contact the Ministry of Defence at Room 8249, Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HB. Tel: 0207 218 6020.