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Feeding the birds can be a cause of rats in your garden.

If you want to feed the birds do not throw food out for them instead use a bird feeder that does not allow crumbs to fall to the ground. If you have a rat problem, remove the feeder. If you have animals or pets, then make sure that rats cannot gain access to the food. Keep all waste, especially food waste in a sealed bin. Rats will use regular routes to food and can often be found under sheds, decking and compost heaps. Ensure that your house has no holes or gaps which a rat could enter as they can cause damage in the home and also carry disease.


You can remove rats however it must be done in a way to cause the least harm. Traps are not usually very effective as rats breed very quickly. Rats can be poisoned however there are health and safety issues with using poison bait and you must make sure that you read the label carefully and do not kill other animals.

Professional treatment

The Council does not offer a pest control service however there are local and national companies that will provide treatment for a fee.