Domestic heating oil tanks
One common cause of contamination at domestic properties is caused by leaks from heating oil tanks or connecting pipework. For more information and advice please see our guide to Contamination from Domestic Heating Oil Tanks.
Oil Storage tanks on commercial, trade or industrial premises
If you store more than 200 litres of oil above ground (in one or more containers) at an industrial, commercial or institutional site then you will need to comply with the Oil Storage Regulations. These cover factories, shops, offices, hotels, schools, public sector buildings and hospitals. For further information please see the Environment Agency website.
The Part 2A Public Register
We are required to make a public record of the regulatory actions that we take in respect of land that has been identified as contaminated. It is not a register of contaminated land, but a record of actions taken voluntarily or by enforcement by the Council once contaminated land has been formally identified. The information will be placed on a public register, should an entry be made then the register will be published in the Council's Part 2A Public Register.
The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Scientists (AGS) is a non-profit making trade association established to improve the profile and quality of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering which includes advice for prospective clients on site investigation.