Very occasionally the Council comes across properties that are in either a filthy condition or infested with vermin. These rare cases are often associated with other problems that the occupier is suffering, and we often work with Social Services to try to deal with the matter informally and sensitively. Such premises often have accumulations of waste products, rotted food or hoarded materials. Vermin such as rats, mice and flies then become infested within the property. Another source of the problem may be keeping too many pets or animals in the property leading to a build-up of waste and infestations such as fleas.
Legislative powers
If the matter cannot be dealt with informally then the Council has a number of powers to enable it to resolve the matter. Section 83 of the Public Health Act 1936 enables the Council to require the thorough cleansing and disinfection of a premise and gives powers of entry, carrying out the works in default and re-claiming the Council's costs. Other powers include the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949.