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Policies Map

The Policies Map shows the spatial boundary (e.g. a settlement boundary), or location (e.g. a housing site) of all relevant LDP policies. However, most of our policies, such as D1 Design quality and Built Environment, are applicable to the whole District and are not specifically identified. Please note that the policies map below is the post examination version and should be read in conjunction with the proposed main modificationsmade at examination.

There are three options for viewing the policies map: online, PDF or paper


Click here to view an interactive version of the Policies Map online 

Please note that the interactive Policies Map was refreshed in April 2023 using new technology.  The LDP layers remain unchanged, however the basemap is Ordnance Surveys latest live API feed.

User help and tips:

This app has been tested with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

Please read the disclaimer and copyright details when opening the map

The information icon on the map provides guidance in using the tools.


There are five downloadable pages in PDF format including the Key:

All of these maps contain references to policies within the LDP. Some sites have been given a reference and a number which you can look up at the back of the LDP (SD01) in Appendix 5.

User help and tips:

  • You will need a PDF viewer installed
  • These maps have been designed for PC/MAC. On a PC, use [Ctrl + Scroll Wheel] to zoom in quickly and press the mouse wheel in to pan
  • Slower computers and users on slow connections should try the online version

Paper maps

Like the PDF, this comes in four sheets. Should there be any inconsistency or dispute, the latest printed copy is the definitive version.

A paper copy, along with a copy of the Schedule of Major Modifications, is available to view along with the Approved LDP at the following locations:

  • Maldon District Council Offices
  • Parish and Town Councils
  • Local Libraries
  • One Place (Southminster and Burnham-on-Crouch)

Please note that this version of the Policies Map uses a different version of the Ordnance Survey basemap than the PDF version above.