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Council Tax and Fees and Charges 2022/23

Published on Monday, 28th February 2022

Latest News in white text with white Maldon District Council logo on red background

At the Full Council meeting held 24 February, Maldon District Councillors approved the council tax and fees and charges for 2022/23.

The average Band D property in the Maldon District will see an increase of just £5 per year or 9.6p per week, in the amount which is retained by Maldon District Council.

The income from the Council Tax, which is collected by the Council, is shared with Essex County Council, which is the largest proportion, Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and the amount which is requested separately by the Town or Parish Council.

Government has recognised the pressures currently facing both Councils and residents and has introduced a £150 refund for those in band A-D properties as well as allocating money for a discretionary fund.

In presenting the budget to the Council, Leader, Cllr Penny Channer said, “This financial year has been a challenging one for Maldon District Council, again we have been impacted by the Covid-pandemic, but I’m proud to say a great deal has also been achieved.

“The Council has continued supporting the national response to the Covid Pandemic assisting the vaccination programme, by provision of the Maldon vaccination centre delivered by the NHS, at the District Council offices.

“We have continued to support our businesses distributing over £10 million of government support to local businesses to ensure that they, associated jobs and livelihoods are protected.

“Core services throughout the past year have been maintained amidst a worrying national driver shortage, and important new strategies came forward, including our Climate Action Strategy, entitled “Our Home, Our Future”.

“The work to review our Local Development Plan which is a legal requirement, has begun by launching the Issues and Options consultation; a large programme of work that seeks views on place shaping and not just about the number of homes needed.

“It is incredibly difficult when you have the responsibility for setting the council tax knowing the pressure it will put on residents.

“Looking ahead to the pressures faced and the services needed, an increase of 9.6p a week council tax has been approved. With inflation at 5.5%, this council tax increase is well below at 2.41%.

“The Council will be reviewing corporate contracts including waste and leisure and will continue to identify where we can benefit from shared services and achieving more through our partnership working.

“Budgets need to be sustainable; it is not just about balancing budgets; it is important that use of reserves is not increasing year on year. We need to look ahead, prepare for additional pressures and continue to find ways to generate income from commercial activities.”