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Be Prepared In Case of Flooding

Published on Friday, 25th November 2022

Picture of Grab Bag

As we head into the Autumn and Winter the risk of flooding increases, so Maldon District Council is urging residents to ‘be prepared’ in case they are faced with flooding in the future.

The Environment Agency will place any Flood Watch Alerts on their web site where you will also find some useful advice and information should this be necessary.

Cllr Mrs Penny Channer, Leader of Maldon District Council, said; “Flooding will always be a risk for the Maldon District and residents should always be prepared to take any reasonable precautions to protect themselves and their property.

“However, residents can be reassured that we have a well-rehearsed plan to deal with flooding, working in partnership with other agencies, and we endeavour to support residents of the District in the best possible way.”

“There is no statutory requirement for the Council to provide sandbags and householders and landlords need to protect their own property. Sandbags can be purchased in advance from DIY or hardware stores locally and advice is also available from

If you own land that is adjacent to a watercourse, or land which has a watercourse running through or underneath it, you are by law considered to be a ‘riparian owner’.  As well as certain rights to the watercourse, a ‘riparian owner’ is responsible for keeping the watercourse maintained and free flowing to minimise the risk of the watercourse flooding.

Surface water flooding incidents should be reported to the Essex County Council Flood team Essex Flood and Water Management or call 03457 430430 (Mon-Fri). You can also register with Floodline to Sign up for flood warnings - GOV.UK ( which is a free service and provides warnings by phone, text, or email.

Preparing an emergency grab bag will ensure that you take your most essential belongings with you, should you be asked to leave your home. It is one simple thing you can do to make sure you and your family are ready. It will need to be easily found by all family members and should be checked every six months.

Picture of Grab Bag
Some of the things you could include are: -

• First aid kit

• Copies of documentation, e.g., insurances

• Prescription medication

• Toiletries and sanitary supplies

• Mobile phone and charger

• Spare clothes

• Children’s toys

• A battery torch with spare batteries or a wind-up torch

• Bottled water and emergency food

• Extra set of house and car keys

• Cash and credit cards

• A book

If the need arises, we would always urge residents to Go In, Stay in and Tune in to their local radio and television stations and follow social media where advice will be given.  

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