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Published on Tuesday, 5th December 2023

New Maldon district-wide community energy group to plan for a sustainable energy future

Community Energy brings people together to generate community-owned safe, clean energy, advise on how to use less and help to make it affordable for all.

On 11 December from 5-7pm at West Maldon Community Centre, find out how you can play a part in forming a new Maldon district-wide community energy group and work together to plan for a sustainable energy future.

Drop in for a mince pie, hot drink and take some energy saving draught proofing freebies to help keep your home warm this winter.

Councillor Richard Siddall, Leader of Maldon District Council, said, “Saving energy is not only good for the environment but also helps tackle the worry of rising energy bills. The Council is supporting the project to set up a community energy group, and we hope that it will bring real benefits to our residents.” 

Nicola Davidson, Project Manager for Community Energy South said, “Free support is available from Community Energy South to create a new group to operate across the district for the benefit of local people. We are hoping to attract locals willing to volunteer their energy and passion to create projects local people can lead on.”

Benefits of being part of a community energy group

  • Help friends and neighbours save energy at home
  • Generate your own renewable power
  • Join a dedicated and friendly team
  • Alleviate climate anxiety
  • Looks excellent on your CV                        

The ideal mix of skills

Free training and support will be provided over several months – just join in with your enthusiasm!

Even better if you have skills in: communications, marketing, administration, social media, accounting and finance, DIY, energy systems, fundraising, HR, legal, impact measurement, governance, safeguarding, business development or project management.

Meeting up (once the group is formed):

Various group meetings (in-person and online) will be arranged to suit the availability of the group.

Frequently Asked Questions

What form will the group take?  We recommend forming a Community Benefit Society.  This is for organisations that wish to operate on a not-for-profit basis for purposes that benefit the community as a whole. It is a popular choice for groups that seek support of a community by giving them ownership of key assets - such as rooftop solar projects and hydro energy schemes. Often, they use the model to raise finance from people in that community through a community share issue. Community benefit societies are owned by the people that live and work or support the community it is set up to benefit. Members hold a least one share in the organisation and, unlike in a limited company, the number of votes a member has does not increase with the number of shares they hold, making this option democratic business.

Who is supporting this initiative? Community Energy South will support the development of this organisation and projects that emerge from it through their unique Pathways programme which is free to the group.  This is funded by Essex County Council and supported by Maldon District Council. 

What other Societies have been set up with Community Energy South support?

What kind of activities could the new Society deliver?

  • Developing community owned renewable energy
  • Retrofitting and energy saving advice / skills
  • Finding free energy saving measures or local grants for households
  • Sustainable transport
  • Creating local energy systems which share lower cost energy with local households

What will my responsibilities be?  As part of the leadership team, Founder Members help ensure that the group remains healthy and sustainable and able to navigate changing times and economic climates. 

How many Founder Members are needed? We are looking for at least 8 Founder Members to oversee and lead on projects and many, many more people aged 16+ willing to simply volunteer to deliver projects.  The more people who join, the more we can achieve and share the opportunity.

Will I have any personal financial liability?  Members will pay £1 to join the group, which is the limit of financial liability. 

Will I be skilful enough? As long as you are organised and motivated to get stuck in and share the tasks that’s all we need to start with.  Any training needed to be successful as a team can be provided.

Community Energy South is working with Essex County Council on its Pathways programme to help deliver its climate change strategy and support the growth of community energy across the county.  This is supported by Maldon District Council. The formation of a new Maldon district-wide community energy group forms part of the Pathways programme.  

Contact Nicola Davidson to find out more information directly and see the Community Energy South website