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2024/25 Budget agreed by Maldon District Council

Published on Friday, 16th February 2024

Maldon District Council has agreed its 2024/25 budget at a meeting of Full Council held on 15 February 2024.

An increase of 2.98% for the Maldon District Council element of the council tax bill was agreed as part of the overall package of measures to balance the budget, with inflation, growing demand for services and a limited financial settlement from central government all contributing to the financial pressures the Council is facing.

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Richard Siddall, delivered his annual budget statement to propose the budget. That speech can be seen in full here.

The statement detailed how Members from across all political groups within the Council have worked together with officers to achieve a fully balanced budget for the coming year. Through this hard work, the Council’s financial position is significantly improved on the situation reported last year and will allow the Council to continue to deliver its Corporate Plan priorities as detailed here ‘Where Quality of Life Matters’.

Councillor Siddall highlighted that the Council has had great success in securing external funding for the district, with over £200,000 secured for community and wellbeing projects. The Council also continues to deliver its UK Shared Prosperity projects totalling £1 million and has just launched a new Rural England Prosperity Fund scheme worth £400,000 to support business and community organisations across the District.  

Although there are financial pressures ahead which will need to be addressed through further efficiencies and tough choices about priorities, the Leader set out that he remains positive that the Council can continue to deliver the best possible outcomes for the District.