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Make a payment

We encourage customers to pay online or by phone as this is the quickest way to process your payment.

All payments must be made using a debit card. Credit cards are not accepted.

Paying online

You can make payments online using our online payment form for:

  • Building Control
  • Council Tax
  • Electoral Register Payment
  • Fixed Penalty Notice
  • Green Waste Bins
  • Sundry Debt Invoices (your ref will be made up of 3 letters and 8 numbers eg ABC00188234)
  • Non-Domestic Rates
  • Overpayment of Housing Benefits
  • RAMS Tariff (only to be paid once planning permission granted)
  • New All other payments can now be made online by selecting the 'other' option

Payments for on street parking should be made to

Payments for off street parking (car parks) should be made to

Paying by phone

You can also use our automated payment line on 01621 212410 to make payments for the following:

  • Council Tax
  • Green Waste Bins
  • Non-Domestic Rates
  • Overpayment of Housing Benefits