We encourage customers to pay online or by phone as this is the quickest way to process your payment.
All payments must be made using a debit card. Credit cards are not accepted.
Paying online
You can make payments online using our online payment form for:
- Building Control
- Council Tax
- Electoral Register Payment
- Fixed Penalty Notice
- Green Waste Bins
- Sundry Debt Invoices (your ref will be made up of 3 letters and 8 numbers eg ABC00188234)
- Non-Domestic Rates
- Overpayment of Housing Benefits
- RAMS Tariff (only to be paid once planning permission granted)
- New All other payments can now be made online by selecting the 'other' option
Payments for on street parking should be made to https://southessex.self-serve.co.uk/
Payments for off street parking (car parks) should be made to http://www.councilparking.org/maldon
Paying by phone
You can also use our automated payment line on 01621 212410 to make payments for the following:
- Council Tax
- Green Waste Bins
- Non-Domestic Rates
- Overpayment of Housing Benefits