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Street cleaning

Report a street cleaning issue.

We have a responsibility to keep all roads and footpaths (other than private roads and footpaths) within the district clear from litter and refuse.

Small spillages (such as oil or fuel) on public roads and footpaths can be reported to us using the link above. Larger spillages must be reported to Essex Highways.

To keep the area clean we provide litter and dog fouling bins in public open spaces and streets across the district. 

Our contractor sweeps the roads in the District and carries out cleansing and litter picking on a daily basis.  The frequency of cleansing will vary depending on the area.

The Council also clears dead animals from footpaths and highways.

To have a dead animal removed please complete the report a dead animal form.

The District's roads and footpaths are monitored regularly by both our contractor and by Council officers to ensure that standards remain high.