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What can go in your green garden waste bin

The following items can be placed in your green garden waste bin:

  • Hedge and shrub clippings
  • Twigs and small branches (no bigger than 2 inches in diameter)
  • Cut flowers
  • Windfall fruit (please ensure that your bin does not become too heavy, if necessary please split them over a few weeks)
  • Leaves
  • Grass cuttings (please only part fill your bin if the cuttings are wet as they can become too heavy to lift safely if the bin is full)

Please ensure no other items are placed in your green garden waste bin, including but not limited to:

  • Soil and compost
  • Turf
  • Animal and pet bedding including straw and sawdust
  • Animal waste (poo and cat litter)
  • Japanese knotweed
  • Giant hogweed
  • Broad leaved dock
  • Curled dock
  • Creeping thistle
  • Ragwort
  • Spear thistle