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Information Requests

Making a Request

Information held by us, provided it is not defined as exempt under the Act, must be made available on request in writing.

A request for information must be made to us by completing our online form.

Acknowledging your request

When you submit the form you will receive a reference number for your request.

Asking for clarification

If your request is too wide or is unclear, we will contact you as soon as possible and ask you for clarification. We will put the request on hold while we wait for a reply. If you do not reply within 4 weeks we will assume that you do not want the information and close the request. When you reply within 4 weeks, the request starts from “day 1” again.

Replying to you

The FOI Act and EIR both say that we should reply to you within 20 working days. We will do this wherever possible.

Under EIR, if your request is complicated or there is a lot of information to provide, we can extend the request for a further 20 working days.

Under FOI, if we think we might be going to refuse to supply some or all of the information you have requested, but the decision is complicated, we can extend the request for a further 20 working days.

If we need to extend the request, we will email to tell you.

If we do NOT hold the information, we will tell you - and if we know that another organisation does hold it, we will let you know.

If we refuse to supply some or all of the information you have requested, we will quote the relevant sections of the FOI Act or EIR, with an explanation of why we are not supplying the information.