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Councillors' Allowances

Independent Remuneration Panel Report & Councillors' Allowances

The Council is required to maintain an Independent Remuneration Panel to make recommendations about the allowances to be paid to its Members.

Basic Allowance

  2019 / 20
2020 / 21
2021 / 22
2022 / 23
Basic allowance 4,930.37 pa 5,065.96 pa 5,154.61 pa 5,425.23 pa 5,737.68 pa
Broadband allowance 220.00 pa 220.00 pa 220.00 pa 220.00 pa 220.00 pa

The Councillors allowances document is reproduced in accordance with the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) Regulations 2003, and shows payments made during the applicable financial year. To view the full document, please use the following links: