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Club premises certificates & premises - current applications

Premises and clubs - variation applications

The Council is a licensing authority under the Licensing Act 2003.  It is responsible for licensing both premises and clubs for the supply and sale of alcohol; regulated entertainment; music and late-night refreshments.

Premises and clubs can apply to vary a licence - this will change the details contained within the licence.  For example, the applicant may want to include more regulated licensable activities or change the days or times of these activities.

The Council has received the following applications to vary a licence.


Representations and reviews can be made by any person living or business operating in the district of Maldon. If you would like to make a representation or call a review, please read the following requirements.

  • Representations should be made in writing to;

    Maldon District Council
    FAO Licensing
    Princes Road
    CM9 5DL

    • Representations will be received electronically if in a format suitable for reuse and sent to
    • Representations received out of time (after the closing date) will not be considered
    • Representations must be relevant only in respect of the licensing objectives;
      • the prevention of crime and disorder;
      • the prevention of public nuisance;
      • the protection of public safety; and
      • the protection of children from harm.
    • Where a representation is considered to be repetitious, frivolous or vexatious it will be disregarded or irrelevant material redacted
    • The name and address of persons making representations will be shared with the applicant or their agents and they will be invited to attend any subsequent hearing
    • Details of persons making representations will only be withheld from the applicant where there is a ‘genuine and well-founded belief’ that sharing that information would put their personal safety or that of their immediate family at risk.
    • Representations that are made anonymously will be disregarded

    If representations are received, a hearing which is open to the public will be held to determine the application.