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Complaints about premises licences

If you have an issue with a premises that is relevant to the four licensing objectives, you can make representations.


Responsible authorities, residents and businesses in the Maldon district may make representations before the premises licence is granted or before amendments to a premises licence are granted.

If representations are made, we will write to all parties to notify them of the hearing that will be held to consider the application and the representations that have been made. This is an open hearing where responsible authorities, residents or businesses can attend.

Current premises licence applications


A review of the premises licence may be requested by a responsible authority, residents or businesses in the Maldon district based on the four licensing objectives.

To call for a review of a premises licence, please complete and return the application to us.

The completed application form must be served on the licence holder and all responsible authorities on the same day and by the same method or the application could be void.

The applicant must also give notice of the review to all responsible authorities (these can be found on Appendix 2 of the Licensing Policy). Following changes to the Licensing Act which came into force on the 6th April 2017, the Home Office (Immigration Enforcement) is now a responsible authority. This responsible authority must also receive copies of postal applications by sending to: Alcohol Licensing Team, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon CR9 2BY.


Appeals against the decision of a review can be made to the local Magistrates' Court within 21 days of the decision.

Complaints about the business

In the event of a complaint about a licensed premises, you are advised to contact them first - preferably in the form of a letter (with proof of delivery). If that has not helped and you are located in the UK, Consumer Direct can give advice. From outside the UK, contact the UK European Consumer Centre.

If you are not happy about other issues in relation to this licensed premises such as nuisance (e.g. noise, dust and drainage), there is information available on our website.