Safeguarding is the right for children, young people and vulnerable adults to participate and be safe in the services provided for them regardless of age, race, disability, culture or gender. This includes a right to protection from abuse.
All Local Authority staff have a duty to ensure that the well-being of children, young people and vulnerable adults is promoted, and they are kept safe.
Maldon District Council follows the Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) guidelines which outline the basic safeguarding procedures.
We carry out its responsibilities by ensuring that the needs and interests of children, young people and vulnerable adults are considered by all Councillors, employees, volunteers and contracted services and when taking decisions in relation to service provision.
We will also ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children, young people and vulnerable adults through the Council’s ‘Safe Recruitment Procedure’.
The Maldon District Council Safeguarding Policy.
Essex County Council lead on safeguarding concerns involving adults and children. Report a concern relating to an adult or child.