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Community Led Planning & Neighbourhood Plans


Regulation 16 consultation 

The Mayland Neighbourhood Plan (MNP) has been developed by Mayland Parish Council and proposes local planning policies for Mayland. Once ‘made’ (adopted) a Neighbourhood Plan has the same legal status as the district wide Local Development Plan and will be used alongside the Local Plan in deciding planning applications within the Parish. 

We are now seeking your views on the MNP and its supporting documents. Comments received will be used by the Independent Examiner and the District Council to help decide if the proposed Neighbourhood Plan meets the ‘basic conditions’. 

The Basic Conditions are: 

  1. The Neighbourhood Plan has regard to national policies and guidance issued by the Secretary of State 

  1. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan contributes to the achievement of sustainable development 

  1. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan is in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area of the authority (or any part of that area) 

  1. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan does not breach, and is otherwise compatible with, EU obligations (particularly, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive), Environmental Impact Assessment Directive, and the Habitats and Wild Birds Directives) 

  1. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site (as defined in the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010), either alone or in combination with other plans or projects 

If the plan successfully passes these tests, a local referendum will be held. If the Plan is supported by the majority of the referendum votes it will become part of the development plan for Maldon District. 


Have Your Say 

The consultation is open between Friday 4 October and 5pm Friday 22 November 2024. All comments must be received before the end of the consultation.  

If you wish to comment on the Neighbourhood Plan, you can: 

  • Post: MNP consultation, Planning Policy, Service Delivery, Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon CM9 5DL (only use the postal version if you are unable to send your comments electronically) 

The Council cannot accept anonymous responses. 

Please be aware that representations received by the authority will be made publicly available and will be identified by name and where applicable organisation. In addition, we are required to share your information with the Examiner for the purposes of the Examination. Maldon District Council will process the information you provide in a manner that is compatible with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). 


Planning Policy Privacy Notice  

Purpose for processing  

Maldon District Council holds and processes your data as it has a public task as a local planning authority to prepare a Development Plan for the District, together with voluntary obligations to prepare accompanying Supplementary Planning Documents, planning guidance, Community Infrastructure Levy and assist in the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans. This allows us to use your data to invite you to meetings, workshops or forums, as well as invite you to take part in public consultations. It is also a legal obligation for us to process this data as required by the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Planning Act 2008, the Town and Country Planning Act (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).   

The Council may use this data to contact you, from time to time on these matters if you have indicated that you wish to be kept informed, or if you have submitted comments into a public consultation.   

Please note: Any comments submitted into a public consultation on the Development Plan, Supplementary Planning Documents, planning guidance, Community Infrastructure Levy and Neighbourhood Plans will be made public and will be submitted to the Secretary of State who will pass them onto a Planning Inspector they appoint along with any relevant supporting evidence following the consultations. Your comments and name will be published but other personal information will remain confidential.   

Your comments may not be published in full where they are openly offensive or defamatory or contain personal data. 

Any comments submitted into a Council consultation on the Development Plan, Neighbourhood Plan or Community Infrastructure Levy will be reviewed by a Planning Inspector. You may be invited by the Inspector to discuss your comments at the Examination in Public.   

If you choose not to provide your data for this purpose, or ask us to erase your data, you will be unable to participate in the Development Plan, neighbourhood planning, Supplementary Planning Documents, planning guidance and Community Infrastructure Levy processes.   

Length of time we keep your information  

Your data will be used until the Development Plans, Supplementary Planning Documents, Guidance and Community Infrastructure Levy are adopted by Maldon District Council. Your data will be deleted six years after adoption of the last document to be adopted, or 6 years after the making of a Neighbourhood Plan. This 6-year period allows for a review of the made/adopted documents.  


Your data is held in line with the Council’s general privacy notice which can be found on the Council’s website at This explains who our Data Protection Officer is and how to contact the Council in relation to your personal data. 

Updates to this privacy notice 

We will continually review and update this privacy notice to reflect changes in our processes and procedures, as well as to comply with changes in the law. When such changes occur, we will revise the "last updated" date at the bottom of this notice. We encourage you to periodically review this notice and to be informed of how we protect your information.  

Last Updated: 12 August 2024 

For further details of how we use your data please see our Privacy Statement

All comments received will be forwarded to the Examiner. You should not assume that there will be a further opportunity to introduce new information, although the Examiner may seek clarification on certain matters. 

Any representations may include a request to be notified of the Local Planning Authority’s decision under Regulation 19 in relation to the ‘making’ of the Neighbourhood Plan. 

The consultation closes at 5pm Friday 22 November 2024. 

The consultation documents: 

01 Mayland Neighbourhood Plan submission version  

02 Mayland Neighbourhood Plan Supporting Design Code  

03 MNP Basic Conditions Statement  

04 MNP Basic Conditions Screening  

05 MNP Consultation Statement Vol 1 

06 MNP Consultation Statement Vol 2 

07 MNP Consultation Statement Vol 3 

08 MNP Consultation Statement Vol 4 

09 MNP EIA  

10 MNP Designated Area Map  

11 MNP SEA-HRA Screening Opinion  

12 Online comments form (this is still being created) 

13 Comments form (word) (this is still being created) 

The Mayland Neighbourhood Area was designated on 30 June 2014.

Link to the Parish Council's website.