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Community Led Planning & Neighbourhood Plans

Great Totham

Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan - Made

The Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ by Maldon District Council on 6 July 2022. It forms part of the statutory development plan, along with the Approved Maldon District Local Development Plan, for Great Totham.
Planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area must be considered against the Neighbourhood Plan, as well as existing planning policy such as the Approved Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Making the Plan
•  Made Plan and App 1 Village Design Statement (Please note, these are the same as the Referendum versions)
•  Decision Statement
•  Council report on making the Plan 6 July 2022 

Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum

On 09 June 2022, there will be a Referendum on the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan. The Information Statement explains the Referendum that is going to take place and how you can take part in it. In the Information Statement you can find out about:

  • The Referendum and how you can take part
  • The Neighbourhood Area
  • The Neighbourhood Development Plan (the Neighbourhood Plan)
  • The Development Plan (of which Neighbourhood Development Plans are part)

The following documents are available to download:

  1. The referendum version of the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan and Appendix 1 Village Design Statement
  2. The Examiner’s Report
  3. Summary of representations submitted to the Independent Examiner
  4. The Information Statement– a statement that sets out general information on neighbourhood planning and the Referendum
  5. The Decision Statement - A statement by Maldon District Council that the GTNP meets the ‘basic conditions.’

How to find out more

Further general information on neighbourhood planning

For queries about neighbourhood planning in general, please contact Planning Policy on:

More information about voting and the arrangements for this Referendum

Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan - Decision Statement

The outcome of the Examination was reported to Council on 31 March 2022, where it was confirmed that the Plan, as revised by the modifications listed in the Decision Statement, complies with the legal requirements and basic conditions.

On 31 March 2022 Maldon District Council approved that the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to referendum. The referendum area will be the same as the Neighbourhood Area – which is the parish of Great Totham except the area covered by the LDP North Heybridge Garden Suburb allocation.

National Planning Policy Guidance states that where a Local Planning Authority has issued a decision statement detailing its intention to send a neighbourhood plan to referendum, that plan can be given significant weight in decision-making, so far as the plan is material to the application. Therefore, following the publication of this decision statement on 4 April 2022, the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan can be given significant weight in determining planning applications where the plan is material to the application.

The Examiner’s Report and Decision Statement detailing the Council’s intention to send the Neighbourhood Plan to referendum can be downloaded below:


An Independent Examiner has been appointed to examine the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner is Andrew Ashcroft MRTPI. The Examination commenced in January 2022.

Examination documents will be published below:

IE01_GTNP_Examination_Arrangements_Jan 2022

IE02_GTNP_Clarification Note



Regulation 16 Responses

The responses received to the Regulation 16 consultation have been sent to the Examiner.

These can all be viewed below:

Regulation 16 consultation - CLOSED

The Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan (GTNP) has been developed by Great Totham Parish Council and proposes local planning policies for Great Totham. Once ‘made’ (adopted) a Neighbourhood Plan has the same legal status as the district wide Local Development Plan and will be used alongside the Local Plan in deciding planning applications within the Parish.

We are now seeking your views on the GTNP and its supporting documents. Comments received will be used by the Independent Examiner and the District Council to help decide if the proposed Neighbourhood Plan meets the ‘basic conditions’.
The Basic Conditions are:

  1. The Neighbourhood Plan has regard to national policies and guidance issued by the Secretary of State
  2. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan contributes to the achievement of sustainable development
  3. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan is in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area of the authority (or any part of that area)
  4. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan does not breach, and is otherwise compatible with, EU obligations (particularly, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive), Environmental Impact Assessment Directive, and the Habitats and Wild Birds Directives)
  5. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site (as defined in the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010), either alone or in combination with other plans or projects

If the plan successfully passes these tests, a local referendum will be held, and if the Plan is supported by the majority of the votes it will become part of the development plan for Maldon District.

The consultation documents:

Have Your Say

The consultation is open between Friday 24 September and 5pm Friday 05 November 2021. All comments must be received before the end of the consultation. Any comments should address whether or not the GTNP meets the basic conditions.

If you wish to comment on the Neighbourhood Plan, you can:

  • Use the online comment form
  • Fill in a comment form and email or post it to us
  • E-mail:
  • Post: GTNP consultation, SPC, Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon CM9 5DL (only use the postal version if you are unable to send your comments electronically).

The Council cannot accept anonymous responses.

Please be aware that representations received by the authority will be made publicly available and will be identified by name and where applicable organisation. In addition, we are required to share your information with the Examiner for the purposes of the Examination. Maldon District Council will process the information you provide in a manner that is compatible with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

For full details of how we use your data please see our Privacy Statement.

All comments received will be forwarded to the Examiner. You should not assume that there will be a further opportunity to introduce new information, although the Examiner may seek clarification on certain matters.

Any representations may include a request to be notified of the Local Planning Authority’s decision under Regulation 19 in relation to the ‘making’ of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The consultation closes at 5pm Friday 05 November 2021

Supporting Documents

Supporting documents for the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan:

  1. Landscape and Environment
  2. Housing
  3. Housing Needs Survey Report
  4. Community
  5. Transport

Regulation 14 Consultation - NOW CLOSED

The Maldon District Council website is hosting the consultation for the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan, on behalf of Great Totham Parish Council.

Welcome to the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan.

In this area of the website you will find all the documentation relating to Great Totham's Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Consultation.

The consultation documents:

  1. The draft Neighbourhood Plan with policies relating to the Community, Transport, Housing and the Environment. These are all important to our village. Villagers’ thoughts, opinions and ideas have been used to develop the Plan and policies
  2. A Village Design Statement (VDS) that defines what Great Totham is today with some of its history and evolution. In order to complement the established character of the village, this document also covers what any new buildings should look like, together with their scale and positioning
  3. The SEA/HRA Screening Opinion

The Feedback Form is an important part of this consultation and your chance to tell us what you think of the Neighbourhood Plan, the policies and the VDS. You can save the Feedback Form to your computer and email it to

Supporting documents for the Great Totham Neighbourhood Plan:

  1. Landscape and Environment
  2. Housing
  3. Housing Needs Survey Report
  4. Community
  5. Transport

The consultation closes on 31 January 2021. Please email all comments to

Great Totham Neighbourhood Area was designated on 07 November 2016.

Link to the Parish Council's website.