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Gateway to Homechoice

Medical and Welfare Awards

If you feel your current accommodation is unsuitable either for your medical needs or because you are at risk in your current property, your application can be considered for a higher priority award.

Medical Awards

A medical assessment is the process we use to assess how your present housing is affecting your health. Homelessness, poor housing conditions, marital problems, neighbour disputes and social need will not, on their own, be considered medical priority for re-housing.

If you feel your current accommodation doesn’t meet your medical needs or you require specific adaptions in your property like a level access shower or widened doorways, we can re-assess your application.

In order to do this, we would require supporting information explaining why your current accommodation isn’t suitable or a Housing Needs Assessment or medical professional. We will often then send you a self-assessment form to complete. This will ensure that we can get your view on the suitability of your property and what type of property you require. Please send this back to us with any letters of support from professionals to support your application. We will aim to reach a decision within 28 days.

What types of conditions are given priority?

You should only apply for priority on medical grounds if you have a condition which you feel is caused or aggravated by your current accommodation. Please do not make an application if your problems are due to:

  • Difficulties experienced during pregnancy that are likely to go away when the baby is born.
  • Difficulties getting a pram/buggy up and down stairs.
  • Illnesses or injuries that are likely to get better with treatment, e.g. a broken leg or arm recovering from an operation.
  • Overcrowded accommodation – we already consider this in the general assessment of your housing situation.
  • Minor illnesses like a cough, cold, flu, earache etc.

I am on disability-related benefits – will this mean extra priority?

No extra priority will be given if you are in receipt of disability-related benefits, but we do need to know if you get them and will require proof to correctly assess your application.

The condition of my home is affecting my health

Because of the short supply of social housing advertised via the Gateway To Homechoice register, when assessing applications for priority on medical grounds we also look to see what other things can be done to help you remain in your current accommodation. If your home has problems with damp, condensation, mice or insects, your landlord or housing provider should deal with these.

If you are in private rented housing and your landlord is unwilling to fix the problem please click here for further information or you can speak with the team on 01621 85 44 77.

Welfare Awards

If you feel you are at risk or under threat in your current accommodation and receiving support from a professional body or agency. The supporting agency can contact us on your behalf and discuss the risk or threat​. We will need to know how they are supporting you, what/who the risk or threat is, what has been done to minimise any risk or threat whilst you reside in the property to enable you bid via the Gateway To Homechoice register.

The supporting professional will then be given a referral form to complete. Once completed, they will need to return this along with any supporting documents. This will be assessed within 28 days of receipt.

We often get contact and referrals from the following;

  • Landlords who are unable to rectify any issues of serious Anti-Social Behaviour.
  • Anti-Social Behaviour Officers
  • Housing Officers
  • Woman’s Refuge outreach workers who have been working with clients whilst they remain in their current accommodation.
  • The Police
  • Social Workers
  • Floating Support Officers