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Gateway to Homechoice

List of acceptable documents

Please provide the following documents to verify your application:


Who needs to provide it?

Documents required

Proof of ID

All member in your household who are moving with you

Photo ID, we accept:

  • Passport
  • Full or provisional photo driving licence
  • UK Citizen card

If you do not have one of the above, you need to provide your birth certificate and a current utility bill

Proof of income


All adults in your household

We require:

  • Bank statements for all accounts held, including current accounts, savings accounts, ISAs, any other bank accounts showing your income, your last three payslips, proof of any benefits you receive and savings you may have.

Please ensure copies of your bank statements have your name and address on them

Proof of immigration and/or settled status

Everyone in your household

We accept:

  • The page in your passport which states what your immigration status is
  • Residence card which states what your immigration status is
  • A link to the website to confirm your settled status

Children who live with you

Children in your household under the age of 16 (or under 18 if they are in ‘approved education’ or ‘approved training’)

We require either:

  • The award letter as proof of child benefit; or
  • Your bank statement showing the child benefits payments going into your bank account for the last three months
  • Any Court papers relating to the residence of children

Details of your pregnancy

If you/your partner is pregnant

We accept:

  • The page from your maternity records which shows your estimated due date

Proof of current address

All adults in your household

We require:

  • Evidence of your current address
  • Evidence of your tenancy type
  • Landlord name and contact information

Address history for the last 6 years

All adults in your household

We require:

  • Full address
  • Dates moved in and out
  • Landlord name
  • Reason why you left

Local connection

If your local connection is not due to living in the area, we need evidence of what your local connection is

We accept:

  • A copy of your employment contract; or
  • A copy of a utility bill from your family member who lives within the Gateway area with a current date; and
  • A copy of a utility bill from your family member who lives within the Gateway area dated from 5 years ago; and
  • Confirmation of their relationship to you

If you upload documents electronically, you do not need to also send hard copies in the post, unless requested by the local authority.

General tips

  • Ensure when capturing the image you get the whole document in the frame and you are as close as possible to the document while still keeping the image in focus;
  • Take the picture in a bright environment;
  • Try to keep as still as possible;
  • If you are sending copies of your bank statements, ensure that you include the front page of your statement which states your name and current address;