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Governance of the Maldon District Council

The Maldon District Council formally started work on 1 April 1974. This new authority was formed by merging three existing authorities under the Local Government Act 1972. Those authorities were the Ancient Borough of Maldon; the Maldon Rural District Council; and the Burnham-on-Crouch Urban District Council. The Coat of Arms was granted in 1979 and is designed to reflect the history of the District.

The Chairman of the Council remains the ceremonial head and is the first citizen (after the Queen) in the District of Maldon. Details of the protocol to be observed in affording precedence to the Chairman at functions in the Maldon District are contained in section 3 of the civic protocol.

The Leader of the Council is the political head and has ultimate Member responsibility for the policies of the Council and its decisions.

The Head of Paid Service is the head of the professional staff and has responsibility for the day-to-day running of the Council, for advising and ensuring compliance with its constitution and its statutory responsibilities. This statutory role is embedded within the Chief Executive position.

The S151 Officer has overall responsibility for the proper administration of the Council’s financial affairs including the provision of a continuous internal audit.  The S151 Officer is primarily concerned with ensuring lawfulness and financial prudence of decision making and ensuring that the Council has a balanced budget.

The Monitoring Officer is responsible for the legal governance of a local authority to ensure that Council’s fulfil their statutory obligations and apply their codes of conduct, and investigate and report on anything the authority does that could be illegal, or believed to be.