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Club Premises Certificates

Application Process

A club can apply to us for a club premises certificate for any premises which are occupied and used regularly for club purposes.

Applications should be submitted with a:

  • plan of the premises (to be in a specific format)
  • copy of the club rules
  • club operating schedule
  • completed "Declaration for a Club Premises Certificate" form
  • fee

Club operating schedule

A club operating schedule is a document which must contain the following information in a specific format:

  • the activities of the club
  • the times the activities are to take place
  • other opening times
  • if alcohol supplies are for consumption on or off the premises or both
  • the steps that the club proposes to take to promote the licensing objectives
  • any other information that is required

If there are any changes to the operating schedule, the club will need to apply for a variation or minor variation to the club premises certificate.


The Council will need to be notified within 28 days if there are any changes to the:

  • name of the club
  • club rules
  • registered address of the club

If a club premises certificate has been issued, this should be returned to us with information about the alterations. If the club premises certificate cannot be returned, please state the reason why.