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What is a Petition?

A petition is in summary, a document requesting action (or to stop an action) by the Council. A petition may be regarded as a petition if it:

  • is made in writing
  • is signed by 50 people who live, work or study in the District and have included their full postal address, and
  • identifies the name and address of the organiser of the petition (failing which the first signature may be taken as the organiser)

A petition must set out clearly what it seeks the Council to do. For further guidance, please refer to our Petitions Scheme.

If a petition is to be submitted in paper form, it should be addressed to the Director of Resources and posted to the Council.

It is also possible to submit and respond to petitions online via the Council's ePetitions website where you can also find further guidance.

Please note: If a petition applies to a planning application or licensing application, a matter that is a statutory petition (for example requesting a referendum), or on a matter where there is already an existing right of appeal, such as council tax banding and non-domestic rates, other procedures apply.  Petitions against these exclusions will not be validated and will be returned to the lead petitioner.