Your right to know
The Council is committed to being transparent and we hope this section will provide some useful information.
Please note: We do not hold any housing stock and so don't hold any data about social housing asset value.
The Council's Housing Benefit Fraud function was transferred to the Department of Work and Pensions so has no data to publish.
What you need to know
- Have your say - Consultations
- Petitions
- Our corporate structure
- Trade union facility time
- Maldon District Council property and land
- Register of property and land assets
- Pay and display car park spaces
- Pay and display car park charges
- Residents' parking scheme
- Car park income including penalty charge notices
- National food hygiene rating scheme
- Community right to bid - assets of community value
- National Fraud Initiative
- Local Government Ombudsman - Decisions
- Productivity Plan 2024