Continuation of LDP Examination - Hearing Statements December 2016
Inspector's Further Matters, Issues and Questions
15 November 2016 - The Inspector released his Schedule of Further Matters, Issues and Questions (MIQs) for the hearing sessions along with his Guidance Note (IED30) and a timetable of further hearings.
The continuation of the LDP Examination is scheduled to take nine days starting on Tuesday, 10 January 2017. Hearing sessions are on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday only.
- Hearing sessions start: Tuesday, 10 January 2017, 9:30am - 5:00pm
Inspector's Agendas
- Day 1 (AM) Matter 9: Provision for Travellers
- Day 1 (PM) Matter 8: Affordable housing, housing mix and specialist needs
- Day 2 (AM / PM) Matters 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth
- Day 3 (AM / PM) Matters 2, 3, 5 and 5: Strategic housing growth
- Day 4 (AM) Matters 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth
- Day 4 (PM) Reserve
- Day 5 (AM / PM) Matter 11: Economic prosperity - employment
- Day 6 (AM) Matter 11: Economic prosperity - retail
- Day 6 (PM) Matter 11: Economic prosperity
- Day 7 (AM) Matter 12: Design and climate change
- Day 7 (PM) Matter 14: Transport and access
- Day 8 (AM) Matter 13: Natural environment and green infrastructure
- Day 8 (PM) Matter 15: Implementation and monitoring
- Day 9 (AM / PM) Reserve
1. MDC Hearing Statements
Evidence Base
- EB007c GTAA Need Summary Report December 2016
Supporting Documents - Committee Reports
- DOC123 Traveller Site Allocations DPD 04 August 2016
- DOC124 Maldon District Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2016
MDC Hearing Statements
- DOC 125 Matters: 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth - MDC Q1 and 2 Housing Delivery
- DOC 126 Matters: 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth - MDC Q3 Objective Assessment of Housing Need
- DOC 127 Matters: 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth - MDC Q4-6 Housing Delivery and Infrastructure
- DOC 128 Matters: 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth - MDC Q7 Windfall
- DOC 129 Matters: 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth - MDC Q8-10 Housing Delivery and Infrastructure
- DOC 130 Matters: 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth - MDC Q11 -13 Five Year Housing Land Supply
- DOC 131 Matters: 2, 3, 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth - MDC Q14 Housing Trajectory
- DOC 132 Matter 8: Affordable housing, housing mix and specialist needs - MDC Q15-17 Affordable Housing
- DOC 133 Matter 9: Provision for Travellers - MDC Q18-20 Gypsy and Travellers
- DOC 134 Matter 11: Economic Prosperity - MDC Q21-25 Employment
- DOC 135 Matter 11: Economic Prosperity - MDC Q26-30 Retail
- DOC 136 Matter 11: Economic Prosperity - MDC Q31 Retail - Town Centres and Shopping Frontages
- DOC 137 Matter 11: Economic Prosperity - MDC Q32-34 Community Services and Facilities, Agriculture and Rural Diversification
- DOC 138 Matter 12: Design and Climate Change- MDC Q35 -39 Design and Climate Change
- DOC 139 Matter 13: Natural Environment and Green Infrastructure - MDC Q40 - 42 Green Infrastructure Network
- DOC 140 Matter 13: Natural Environment and Green Infrastructure - MDC Q43-46 Open space, Sport and Leisure
- DOC 141 Matter 14: Transport and Access - MDC Q47-49 Transport and Access
- DOC 142 Matter 15: Implementation and Monitoring - MDC Q50-51 Implementation and Monitoring
2. Respondents Hearing Statements
Matters 2, 3 4 and 5: Strategic housing growth
- Terry Inkpen
- Intelligent Land for Kensington and Edinburgh Estates
- North Fambridge Parish Council
- Phase 2 Planning for Countryside Properties
- Evolution Town Planning for Pigeon Land Ltd
- Gladman Developments Ltd (Supply)
- Barton Willmore LLP for Gladman Developments Ltd (Requirement)
- Iceni Projects Ltd for EA Strategic Land LLP
- Boyer for RHS/Sadler and Tolhurst Family
- Plainview
- Endurance Estates Strategic Land Ltd
- Heybridge Parish Council
Matter 8: Affordable housing, housing mix and specialist needs
Matter 9: Provision for Travellers
- W R and A Hopkins
- W R and A Hopkins (Supplementary Statement)
- W R and A Hopkins Concerns about 2016 GTAA
- Little Braxted Parish Council
Matter 11: Economic prosperity
- GL Hearn for CML Microsystems Plc
- Evolution Town Planning for Pigeon Land Ltd
- Phase 2 Planning for Countryside Properties
Matter 12: Design and climate change
Matter13: Natural environment and green infrastructure
Matter 14: Transport and access
Matter 15: Implementation and monitoring